Oct 7 Written By Rachel Headings
Stop doing what you are doing- that habits, choices, beliefs, thoughts that keep replaying over and over and over have brought you to this point… it is time to change it up to create different results…
Become aware of the areas of stress- in you life, body, & emotions- patterns of stress perpetuate the cycle of inflammation and underlying cause of dis-ease/symptoms
Take your power back through focusing on thoughts and perceptions that all is happening for you and not too you. Getting out of the victim mentality is a huge shift that puts you back in the driver seat of making choices towards health and well-being.
Self Care is taking your power back- when the stress goes up- the self care goes up! Everyone wins when we put our needs first and get our needs met- instead of last- or neglected.
Make itty bitty changes each day towards the results you truly desire- health and healing doesn't happen overnight- it is a process of getting to know yourself and what works for you. Each habit/choice/thought can go towards creating health or creating disease. If you don’t like how your health is right now- start paying attention to the itty bitty changes that can make a big impact on getting the results you desire.
You are not broken, you can heal, believing in yourself and taking ownership of your journey is most likely the most important part of the healing journey.
It is not just one thing that can help you, it is a thing, then another thing, then another… get curious- what is your thing? What will help you the most? We get to figure this out for ourselves and it can look different for each one of us…
Healing, health, well-being, and feeling good is not a destination… It is a process figuring out ways of being that will create results we truly desire.
Making your grass green where you are is taking your power back- create what you truly desire where you are at, because if you keep jumping around trying to find the place that will bring you peace/love/joy/abundance/health… you might never find it…
Stop depending on another person, achievement, or something external to feel good about yourself or ENOUGH. This feeling is cultivated by your internal voice- the one you get to choose to listen to…